Criminal Defense:

We know there are many choices when it comes to hiring an attorney.  You need to know what can happen, what our strategy is, and what our plan of attack will be.  What defenses are available to you?  How can you help in your own defense?

 We’ll start by employing you to help inform us what happened.  What do you remember about the incident?  We'll start by having you prepare for us a list of witnesses that could be called to testify if needed. 
We would then have you prepare a statement for us.  This is a statement of the facts of the incident as you remember them.  The police will prepare a report as soon after the arrest or contact as they can get back to the station to start writing.  You should do the same.  This way we can compare the police report to your own memory of the events.

On many cases, we can appear for you and you may never have to appear in court.  This allows you to avoid the humiliation of coming and standing before the judge, in addition to the time sitting around waiting for the court to call your case.

Most importantly, we will listen to you and help you work through this difficult time.  We want to help you get past this period and move on with your life while not having to suffer from irreparable harm to your current and future employment and career plans.  We are experienced trial litigators.  Our record speaks for itself.  Let us protect your rights.  Contact us for a free consultation at one of our conveniently located offices throughout Southern California.


**** This communication is an “Advertisement” as defined by the California Rules of Professional Conduct and California Business and Professions Code. No communication herein shall create an attorney-client relationship unless a separate retainer agreement is signed by an attorney and client. This material is for informational purposes only and not intended to provide legal counsel.